About Us
Maggotdrowning.com was launched on 12th February 2001 and has progressively grown to what must be the largest participant Coarse Fishing website in the UK with in excess of 20,000 members, traffic close to 1/4 Billion Server Hits annually, and a monthly average of 12million web pages being rendered.
Over the years there has been much demand for Maggotdrowning merchandise which can be worn on the banks; and our motto is: "it might not increase your catch rates but you'll certainly look good wearing it"
All our merchandise is carefully selected for quality and 'fit for purpose'. We would not sell anything we would not wear or use ourselves, and the fact that much of our range has been in circulation for over nine years and is still being used today stands testamount to that.
Intellectual property: Maggotdrowning, Maggotdrowners, and the Maggot logo are registered trademarks and the copyright of these marks has been established since 2001